F5 Distributed Cloud Services

Welcome to the F5 Distributed Cloud Services ( F5XC ) workshop .
During the wokshop you will experience the infrastructe and security capabilities of F5XC that can help you easily and quickly pubilsh and secure your applications.
Publishing an application
- Expose the workshop application through F5XC cloud
- Observe the incresed visibility into the app performance and behaviour
- Enable best of bread Web Application Firewall
- Discover and Protect your APIs
- Don’t let the Bots impact your business
Deploy and Secure anywhere
- Load balance and secure the internal servers
- Decrese latency to your app
- Expand your application and provide multicloud connectivity
Kubernetes everywhere
- Deploy app components in the F5XC distributed Kubernetes environment
Accessing the lab guide
- After logging into the UDF course follow the steps described bellow

- If when trying to open the lab guide you receive a 500 error message have no worries, your guide is being baked, it takes around 8 minutes and it will look like the bellow image