F5 Distributed Cloud Services

Welcome to the F5 Distributed Cloud Services ( F5XC ) workshop .
During the wokshop you will experience the infrastructe and security capabilities of F5XC that can help you easily and quickly pubilsh and secure your applications.

Publishing an application

  1. Expose the workshop application through F5XC cloud
  2. Observe the incresed visibility into the app performance and behaviour


  1. Enable best of bread Web Application Firewall
  2. Discover and Protect your APIs
  3. Don’t let the Bots impact your business

Deploy and Secure anywhere

  1. Load balance and secure the internal servers
  2. Decrese latency to your app
  3. Expand your application and provide multicloud connectivity

Kubernetes everywhere

  1. Deploy app components in the F5XC distributed Kubernetes environment

Accessing the lab guide

  1. After logging into the UDF course follow the steps described bellow

  1. If when trying to open the lab guide you receive a 500 error message have no worries, your guide is being baked, it takes around 8 minutes and it will look like the bellow image